Bienvenidos a mi Blog para la ocho semana!

Nearing the end of the eighth week at the MTC, I finally recieved travel plans to Argentina... A flight on the tenth to Salt Lake to LA, LA to Lima, Peru, and Lima to Buenos Aires! and then on to Resistencia or bust, RIGHT?

CHISTE! (Just Kidding!)

Not to be outdone, the travel office informed us a day later that we would indeed be delayed. As they say in spanish, CHISTE! I will be delayed out of the MTC until we can meet with the Consulate from Argentina, however, whomever I ask has different ideas about when that would be.... Some say the 12th, some say the 31st.

So I am stuck here in the MTC for anywhere from a week to a month, but the thing is, when our visas finally do come through, we could leave at the drop of a hat, so everyone is rather on edge. All of the missionaries going to Argentina are delayed, and there are about fifty of us that are delayed, (at least that I know of...)


I have developed a rather nasty virus (NO ITS NOT SWINE FLU) that feels like the worst kind of head cold ever. I have to take over-the-counter sudafed and Aleeve as an anti-inflammatory. The good thing is that the doctor does not think I am contagious, so I can still go to class and study. The bad thing is that he prohibited me from dairy products until sunday. So I am lactose intolerant until Sunday.

I just hope that I can shake this thing before I meet with the consulate, so it doesn't get in the way of my visa once he finaly does come to meet us. But I feel better every day, and even can breathe out my nose now!

In other news, things are getting repetitive now, because the teachers have taught us all they have planned to teach us, and everyday is a review now. Which I desparately need, but there really isn't anything new now.

Our TRC appointments came to an end on Monday, and we have no more scheduled. Which is a mixed blessing because I liked the practice, but Hermana Greene and I did not really feel it helped us at all.

I am doing my personal study almost soley out of my Spanish PMG and Scriptures now, and am also reading the Spanish Conference Liahona, and Find that I can understand just about anything that's written down. However, speaking and listening is a different story.

Hermana Ramos and Hemano Tateoka (our teachers) suprised us this week by informing us that now, we would be doing Spanish outbound calls in the RC (referral center). Talk about nerve wracking! I was way nervous my first time, but Hermana Ramos was on the phone with me and prompted me with what to say when I did not know, but my real trouble comes from understanding what they were trying to tell me. My listening skills in spanish are sub-par at best, so most of my study this week with be working on understanding people as they speak.

But things are otherwise going smoothly. Three of my roomates left for the field yesterday and Monday, so we get new roommates tomorrow, I am kind of nervous for them, I hope they like me and that I will like them...

But I know that God loves me and has a plan for me. I know that sometimes life is fustrating, but I will survive, because I am going to Argentina for a reason... Even if I don't know the reason at all.

Love you all.
Hermana Sarah Tritsch

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