This is my first post, nearly 2 years after I have returned from La Gran Mision Argentina Resistencia.  Just an update:  The mission is now split! Thanks to a monumental revelation given regarding the minimum age for missionaries (18 for men and 19 (from 21) for women)  the world wide missionary force has increased to well over 60,000 and the number of missions, with the new additions, to over 400.  What a miracle.

As I served 15 of my 18 Months of my mission in what would now be the new Mision Argentina Posadas,  I wanted to put this update for all future missionaries that may be serving in the new mission.

If you want to find out about that area, please read all posts up to 69.  Have Fun!

Posadas is my Argentinian home and you will love it.  It is so lush and beautiful, and the people are so friendly and the church is growing so well.  Enjoy every minute of it, and I know that you will learn to love Posadas and its surrounding area as much as I do.

Viva La Tierra Colorada!

(Former) Hermana Sarah Tritsch

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